The Great OutDoors Club

“The Heavens Declare the Glory of God and the Firmament Shows His Handiwork” -Psalm 19:1

Family ministry in any community can be achieved through The Great OutDoors Club. The program is designed to be inclusive of boys, girls, and parents.

One of our most effective ways of reaching into communities, inner city, suburban, and rural, is through outdoor education for children and adults. Our outdoor curriculum focuses on fun outdoor activities like fishing, hiking, and camping, while sharing Biblical principles for living, and demonstrating how God reveals Himself throughout His creation.

Great OutDoors Club – Mission Statement

The Great OutDoors Club endeavors to foster an appreciation for outdoor activities, including Hiking, Camping and Fishing. In the process of encouraging these activities, it is our desire that:

1) Families would participate together in outdoor activities

2) Participants would become aware of God’s creation and our responsibility to be good stewards of the resources that God has supplied.

3) Participants would gain an understanding of Godly, Biblical principles for life through devotional materials that use outdoor activities as hands on learning experiences and object lessons

4) Participants would become aware and take proactive measures to become involved in projects that encourage conservation and wildlife management

5) Participants develop skills in the areas of Hiking, Camping and Fishing


The Great OutDoors Club will provide educational opportunities in the following areas:

1) Basic and Advanced Fishing skills for freshwater and saltwater species – Guest Speakers including Professional Fishing Guides, B.A.S.S. members and Pros, and Fishers of Men National Tournament Trail Participants

2) Boating Safety

3) First Aid – Red Cross Training

4) Bible Studies with Outdoor Themes

5) Basic Camping Skills – Primarily geared to recreational camping with electricity and water

a.  Setting up camp

b.  Camp Fire Craft

c.  Tearing Down Camp

d. Leaving An Area Better Than You Found It

Camping Skills will be taught in a class setting and practiced in field trips to various campgrounds and State Parks

For more information on Great OutDoors Club Curriculum, or becoming a Great OutDoors Club Affiliate, you may contact us by clicking here.

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